Nothing much to do...
Just go to the AFA at 11 AM
Nothing more to buy (cause wallet is dry now)
and just browsing and attending for K-ON life seiyuu dubbing
Danny Choo autograph session (I GOT IT!)
and then attending Weiss Schwartz seiyuu dubbing session
at the end of the event, there's some kind of jankenpon game
and out of my expectation I was one of the winner....
I got....
Haruhi Weiss Schwartz deck which later i know that still not released yet O_O
*more shocked face*
I can already see that envious face of those weiss scwartz player glaring at me
okay the card turn out to be nice (REALLY NICE) and i bought a (expensive ;___;) sleeves for it....
Next up is...
I Love Anisong Concert day 2!!!
My throat is still abit sore and my arms still hurt a little, but WHO CARES!!!!
Day 2 performances is very amazing indeed
Fukuyama Yoshiki threw his guitar pick to the audience and May'n sang 4 songs from her albums which still not released yet!
Not forget to mention the fabulous dancers that May'n brought with her
I never see popping dance as good as those dancers O_O
the best part comes last
May'n and Yoshiki collaboration of time and space!
Cannot stop shouting and singing lolz
"SAIKOU! SAIKOU!" I can only say that lolz
Yoshiki also mentioned that he will bring all personnel of JAM Project if he perform later in singapore O_O
talk bout AWESOME! YEAH!
and with that AFA09 finally come to end...
SO MUCH good memories that i wont forget for the rest of my life XD
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