Day 1
I went to Singapore using Tiger Airways nightflight at friday, 20th November 23:45PM and arrived at Singapore at saturday, 21st November 00:40AM...
MRT service is over and I was ROTTEN, waiting till 5:30AM for the forst MRT service in the Mc Cafe...
Buying a bit of coffee and using some sort of ridiculous computer system which log out every 10 mins to update my facebook status (FYI this is my first time using internet since that day)
walking around aimlessly, trying to sleep, drinking coffee, all of that stupid things (especially sleeping in Mc Cafe lol) i've done to swept away the boredness of waiting...
Till finally 5:30 come (YES!) and so I ride the MRT to the suntec convention centre...
Well i know that even the sun is still not up yet, but yet the excitement make me want to go to the AFA as fast as I can... So I run...
After walking around a bit, we finally got to the Hall 401-403 where AFA is....
LOLz first impression there is... TOO EARLY XD
Yes I arrived at AFA at roughly 6AM, and the front gate to AFA is opened at 10AM XD so another waiting to be done....
So let me fast forward the time until the Main Entrance is opened (cause there really nothing to do while we are waiting... except for looking at the local otakus and watching the normal ticketing queque grow into something BIG XD)
- some things when waiting -
Well because I have the Concert Pass for the AFA, I can get in to the AFA in a fairly shorter line...
And so AFA is officially OPEN! And the FUN FUN FUN begin!!
First thing I do when I step my feet into AFA grounds is....
RUN to the AKB town at the back row and search for KAGAMINE RIN/LEN!
And the FACT is...
Nendoroid, PVC, Figma, I GOT IT ALL!
And after the main target gotten, I walk around the AFA and look for "other things"
The second thing that I noticed after hunting down all RIN/LEN is...
not ordinary gundam but LIMITED ONE
RX-78-2 Smoke Clear Ver.
I bought this one in a whim actually.... because well.... this gundam you can say very exclusive (for only 200 pieces sold in AFA)
But now... I dunno if i want to sell it again (for higher price OC :gg:) or assemble it myself XD
Well lets put the gundam aside (lolz still think about it though)
After gundams other booth that i want to check is of course COSPA!
After waiting in a quite long line to get in the shop, I finally managed to get in there...
COSPA booth sell quite many anime realted items, from mugs to t-shirts and accesories...
I got my Azu-Nyan T-shirt here XD
So COSPA booth is all done and moving next is...
Browse figures again XD
Yes there're quite lot of shops there in AFA and some of them sold quite rare item with discounted price!
And in one of those shops (forget the name) I got a quite nice Konata figure!
Yes dont bother to ask... You know that i'll definitely take that figure XD
Ah~ Figures hunt is finished (mainly because wallet running dry in just 2 hours time XD) and so i went to -nearly forgotten- the events and figure showcase
Actually in Day 1 i'm not attending the public events at all...
And i'm sorry that i cant tell you much about the cosplay competition cause i sadly missed that one because of hotel check-in thingie =3=
And so I arrived at the hotel... Time is... 14:10 well just take a rest for a bit and stretching nearly-cramped legs and arms (lolz mainly bcos carrying too many figures 4 kilos maybe XD)
and so i slept...
time is 18:50 when I woke up... CRAP THE CONCERT!
The concerti is suppose to be at 18:30
So I take taxi to the convention center and "walk" as fast as i can to the hall
When i get in the concert hall
Shoko-tan is already singing at the stage!!!
I ask a person beside me... and he said..
"this is still the first song"
late 40 mins and still 1st song????
I must uber-crazy-lucky!!!
And so i sit and enjoy the show, screaming "SHOKO-TAN" "YEAHH" etc at the top of my lungs XD
After shoko-tan there's ANIKI
also a very momerable performance by the king of anisong himself :sugoii:
After screaming and waving my lightsticks for about 2 hours the result is.....
Sore Throat and Cramped Arms....
Well but that worth for the performances XD
I just go straight back to the hotel after the concert...
Grabbing some food around the way in geylang area (which is good XD)
And SLEEP (although can't really sleep though)
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