So yesterday, i went to berjaya times square to see the animax inuyasha event...
Well i came at 2pm, which is a bit late so there're some event (like cosplaying, dance, etc) i've missed and cant take the photos...
but well...
I'm attended the main schedule of this event.. Giant Flashcard Formation....
well so lets cut the crap and look at the game...
And so we begin to put the flashcards into it's suitable place....
well thats not too hard but we cant get the first place! (as well as the 1K ringgit prize... TAT) but we manage to get the third prize! >.<
If you're curious for what prize i won... keep scrolling the pages lol
here are the prizes & goodies that i got from the animax event
Goody bag! a nice one indeed....
inside we have....
T-Shirt! the size is befitting me! nice!
Phone Strap! A Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood one! well i'm still wondering why did they gave out fullmetal alchemist instead of inuyashas... =.=a
Notebook! well this thing will come in handy =w=
And a Clear Map... Right on the time when i need one lol....
I also get a
Ah i forgot to mention that i also won a (damn big and heavy) laser printer from the event...
Well... after i look at the spec.... this printer can only print B/W!!! damn.... now i must find a way to sell this thing =.=a
Ah for those who still wondering what did i got as the 3rd winner...
i got.... Another goodies bag!
Well lets see what inside this bag...
WTF! Soap? Ladies perfume? LOL!
hahaha well thats all thingies that i've got from animax event! Thx animax for these goods and the printer >.<
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