'One more time!' AFA (Anime Festifal Asia) will be held on Singapore!
I don't know anything about this event until one of my friend shout about it on AOIndonesia.net Forums Chat;Box....
There're a LOT of events that will be held at AFA.... here's the list
Hatsune Miku's First Concert OVERSEAS!
Yes folks its Hatsune Miku! for the first time she will held her concert overseas and AFA is the first stage overseas she will be on!
It's K-ON! Experience on AFA 2009!
The voice actresses of K-ON! will make an appearance for the first time overseas at AFA09.
The cast will be doing a live dubbing a scene from the animation, in addition to a Question and Answer session on the main stage
MAY'N! mou Ichido! Performing LIFE for the 2nd time on AFA 2009 Main Stage!
She will sing some of her newest song and of course a performance that fresh and never seen before.
Shoko Nakagawa! Multi Talented Artist and Singer (which we may know as singer for the opening song of Gurren Lagan) is performing LIFE at AFA 2009!
One of japanese Music Legend will performing on AFA 2009 Main Stage!
This will be his very first appearance in South East Asia, and his very first acoustic concert in abroad will be showcased in the Anime Festival Asia 2009 “Anime Live” segment.
If you think 1 legend is good, then what about TWO?
Yes its our Aniki!
“The Most Famous Japanese in the World.” will perform LIVE on the AFA 2009 Stage! Don't miss his performance!
One of the best cosplayer in the world is come to AFA 2009!
he will be one of the jusge for AFA Regional Cosplay Championship and will conduct a closed door Cosplay Panel Session at AFA09.
It's Our main sponsor for AFA 2009!
yep it's BANDAI!
And when I think about BANDAI, I cant help but wondering what kind of goods it will bring on AFA 2009 hmmm.....
The World BANDAI Gunpla Competition is held on AFA 2009!
Showcasing the greatest of Gunplas on the world in one venue!
Almost all blogger in the net know him!
He's The Blogger of “Best Japan Blog” of 2009 and will come to AFA 2009! (he will also speak in ACA 2009 too)
Well there's also one venue thats pique my interest...
Ahem... yes it is a MAID CAFE! lol....
wonder what kind of food (and service) they will offer there....
well thats about all of the events....
I still dont know if AFA 2009 still hide secret events or not lol
one thing for sure is i'm glad that i have moved to malaysia and i'll definitely come to this event!
See you there guys!
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